Perl 6 Types

This is a list of all built-in Types that are documented here as part of the Perl 6 language. Use the above menu to narrow it down topically.

Name Type Description
Kind enum Information about the origin of a Perl6::Documentable instance.
Perl6::Documentable class Represents a self-contained Perl 6 documentation element.
Perl6::Documentable::Config class Configuration
Perl6::Documentable::DocPage role Pod to be rendered and its url
Perl6::Documentable::DocPage::Factory class Generator of HTML pages
Perl6::Documentable::DocPage::Index::Language class Renders the index associated to Kind::Language
Perl6::Documentable::DocPage::Index::Programs class Renders the index associated to Kind::Programs
Perl6::Documentable::DocPage::Index::Routine class Renders the index associated to Kind::Routine
Perl6::Documentable::DocPage::Index::Type class Renders the index associated to Kind::Type
Perl6::Documentable::DocPage::Primary::Language class Renders a Perl6::Documentable::Primary object
Perl6::Documentable::DocPage::Primary::Programs class Renders a Perl6::Documentable::Primary object
Perl6::Documentable::DocPage::Primary::Type class Renders a Perl6::Documentable::Primary object
Perl6::Documentable::DocPage::Secondary class Renders a bunch of Perl6::Documentable::Secondary objects
Perl6::Documentable::DocPage::SubIndex::Routine class Renders the index associated to Kind::Routine and a category
Perl6::Documentable::DocPage::SubIndex::Type class Renders the index associated to Kind::Type and a category
Perl6::Documentable::Heading::Grammar grammar Grammar to obtain metadata from headings
Perl6::Documentable::Index class Reference container
Perl6::Documentable::Primary class Represents a self-contained Perl 6 documentation element.
Perl6::Documentable::Registry class Container of all our knowledge.
Perl6::Documentable::Search class Search entries generator.
Perl6::Documentable::Secondary class Represents a self-contained Perl 6 documentation element.
Perl6::Documentable::To::HTML::Wrapper class HTML wrapper common to all pages
X::Documentable::Config::InvalidConfig class Invalid configuration file
X::Documentable::MissingMetadata class Pod format related error
X::Documentable::SubtitleNotFound class Pod format related error
X::Documentable::TitleNotFound class Pod format related error
X::Documentable::TypeNotFound class Missing type in type-graph file