method url

Documentation for method url assembled from the following types:

class Perl6::Documentable::Secondary

From Perl6::Documentable::Secondary

(Perl6::Documentable::Secondary) method url

Defined as

method url

Returns the URL of its associated HTML file. For instance, if we have a routine (that means, $.kind equal to Kind::Routine), whose name is fff, then it will return /routine/fff.

class Perl6::Documentable::Primary

From Perl6::Documentable::Primary

(Perl6::Documentable::Primary) method url

Defined as

method url()

Returns the following string: /$!kind.Str/$filename. So, if you have a $pod block with $kind set to Kind::Language, stored in a file called lang.pod6, its url will be /language/lang.

If $kind is equal to Kind::Type, instead of $filename, $name will be taken (to avoid problems with multi-type definitions in a single file).

class Perl6::Documentable::Index

From Perl6::Documentable::Index

(Perl6::Documentable::Index) method url

Defined as

method url(--> Str)

Returns the URL assigned to this reference.