method find-definitions

Documentation for method find-definitions assembled from the following types:

class Perl6::Documentable::Primary

From Perl6::Documentable::Primary

(Perl6::Documentable::Primary) method find-definitions

Defined as

method find-definitions(:$podInt :$min-level = -1 --> Int)

This method initializes the attribute @.defs. It runs through the pod content and looks for valid headings. When a new definition is found, a `Perl6::Documentable::Secondary` object is created with the result of calling parse-definition-header (if the result is non-empty) and self as origin.

$pod is populated with the pod section corresponding to that header and its subdefinitions (all valid headers with a greater level until one with the same or lower level is found).

For instance, if we found the following pod section:

=head3 header 
Some text
=head4 header with a greater level! 
More text
=head3 another header with the same level! 

In this case, $pod will be set to:

=head3 header 
Some text
=head4 header with a greater level! 
More text